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We love hacks that keep gadgets out of the trash heap, and [Brieuc du Maugouër] has us covered with this 3D printable replacement mount he designed for his bike GPS.
One of the most frustrating ways a gadget can fail is when a small, but critical part of the device fails. [du Maugouër] co
Punch a code into the safer drug-use vending machine, and get free Narcan. Or get safer smoking products, fentanyl test strips, or other things that help keep you out of harm’s way.
Nearly 600 overdoses have been turned around with naloxone products from this machine in Northside.
You probably already know that vaping is the fastest way for you to enjoy the effects of Delta 8 THC. But Delta 8 vape carts require a big commitment.
You have to invest in additional vaping equipment, and you have to learn how to use a vape cart properly. O Seal